School Accident Insurance
Accidents can and do happen, and when they do, not all medical, dental or other related costs may be covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) or your employer group insurance. Often families are left financially unprotected when their children are injured at school, while participating in non-school activities, or at home.
To help protect your family, it is recommended that you consider obtaining student accident insurance.
The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB) does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school property or during school sponsored activities including extracurricular sports.
If a student is injured, parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for costs not covered by the OHIP or their employer’s health care plan. Please check with your provider regarding your coverage.
Programs available for the purchase of Student Accident Insurance include the Insuremykids Program offered through Old Republic Insurance Company of Canada and the Studyinsured Program offered through Certain Lloyds’s Underwriters through AON Insurance.
Each program offers a variety of options, including family rates. The cost must be paid by the parent or guardian. You may purchase your policy directly online or by contacting the Provider. The insurance agreement will be between You and the insurance underwriter. or call toll free 1-800-463-5437 or call toll free 1-833-560-0527