Resources for Families
Just as they need to learn about physical health, children and teens need to understand their mental health and how to take care of it. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, one in five Canadian children and youth experience mental illness. Applied locally, this means 6,000 or more KPR students could be in distress at some point this year. As a parent/guardian or family member you have an important role in supporting children and youth's mental health.
How to Talk with Your Child About Mental Health |
We know that it can be difficult to talk about mental health, and because of this, sometimes parents may have difficulty beginning this important conversation. Here are some tips that might help you to talk with your child about their mental health:
How to Access Support for Your Child's Mental Health |
At KPRDSB our school staff have received training and resources around how to create mentally healthy classrooms. Educators can often be important in recognizing when a student may be struggling and may need additional help.
Health and Physical Education Curriculum |
Here are details on the provincial curriculum related to mental health |
Helping Children Process Grief |
While everyone grieves differently, there are some behaviors and emotions commonly expressed by children, depending on developmental level. When the death is sudden or frightening, some children develop traumatic grief responses, making it hard for them to cope with their grief, and sometimes additional supports are needed. Helping children with traumatic grief |
Helping Children Process Tragic Events |
Tragic events, like accidents, natural disasters, and mass violence, can impact individuals, classes, schools, communities and beyond, depending on their nature and scope. How students react to events will vary. Developmental stage, physical or emotional proximity to the event, and prior experience with traumatic circumstances can impact how students respond. Reactions can last for days and sometimes weeks. Typically, they subside over time as we help students talk through feelings, reassure them that they are safe and protected, and help them to gain perspective. Additional resource to support teens following a tragic event |
Common Reactions to Tragic Events |
Take Care of Yourself |
It's essential that you take care of yourself too—for your well-being, and so you're better able to support the students you serve. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Recognize grief reactions can last for many days or weeks.
Some places to go for information and help:
Kids Help Phone |
Kids Help Phone provides phone and web counselling for youth up to age 20. It's free, confidential, anonymous, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The website includes information on a variety of mental health topics and social issues, surveys, games, and workbooks. |
Always There App |
The Always There App is available through Kids Help Phone App |
Mind Your Mind |
Mind Your Mind is a website for youth and young adults to access resources and interactive tools for mental health help and wellness. This online resource also focuses on reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. |
Be Safe |
The Be Safe app is a free mobile app that empowers youth and young adults to be safe and reach out in times of crisis. It allows youth to make a safety plan and learn where they can reach out for more mental health and addiction support. |
Teen Mental Health |
Teen Mental Health Friends, parents, health professionals, educators, and our community each play an important role in a teenager's life. If you're looking for ways to support someone in your life, we have resources that can help. |
Children's Mental Health Ontario |
Children's Mental Health Ontario provides information and resources for families, teachers, mental health professionals, and for children and youth. |
Anxiety Canada |
Anxiety Canada Everyone experiences anxiety sometimes. This site will help you find resources and programs that help. |
Find Student Mental Health Community Services |
Here are some helpline services and supports available for students.
Here are some local agencies and supports available for students. |
Get help 24/7 at or 1-800-668-6868, or text 686868 Resources Around Me