Before and After School Fees
Many Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board schools offer on site Before and After School Programs (BASP) for children in kindergarten to Grade 6. These programs are operated by third party, licensed, not-for-profit child care operators. Fees for service are determined by each operator. BASP fees have been included as a general overview and are subject to change. Typically, programs are offered from 7:00 a.m. to morning bell, and from afternoon bell to 6:00 p.m. (although the exact time for these programs may vary at each school).
School-Age Programs may operate on non-instructional days (e.g. professional development days, winter, spring and summer breaks) if there is a need required by families within the community, and is offered by the licensed child care operator.
Authorized Recreation and Skill Building Program is another option for after school programming available at a few school locations.
Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care – Information for Families
The Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system is a five-year plan to reduce the cost of child care to an average of $10 per day by 2026. Each municipality is working with the provincial government to implement this program for families with eligible children. Currently, all third-party licensed child care providers in KPR schools are a part of the CWELCC system, offering reduced fees for children 0-6 years.
Children under the age of six (or who turned six before June 30, 2023) in a licensed child care program participating in CWELCC, are eligible for fee reductions that will help with the cost of child care. If your child is in kindergarten and attending the before and/or after school program, and turns six during the school year, they are eligible for a fee reduction until June 30 or the end of the month that they turn six. If your child is enrolled in a participating School-Age CWELCC program and turns six, they are eligible until the end of the month they turn six.
Child Care Fee Subsidy Program and CWELCC
The Child Care Fee Subsidy Program in each municipality continues to be available for eligible families with children under age 13. A families’ assessed fee may be reduced with CWELCC, depending on the number of eligible children. For more child care fee subsidy information, please click on the link for your municipality.
City of Peterborough/Peterborough County
Peterborough Region
Peterborough Region | Program on Site | Licensed Child Care Provider | Kindergarten Before and After School Rate | School Age Before and After School Rate | Recreation Provider | After School Rate |
Apsley Central PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Buckhorn PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$24.00 |
Chemong PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$24.00 |
Edmison Heights PS |
Yes |
$13.09 |
$25.45 |
$15.00 |
Havelock-Belmont PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$17.50 |
Highland Heights PS |
Yes |
$12.28 |
$26.00 |
James Strath PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$24.00 |
Kaawaate East City PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$24.00 |
Kawartha Heights PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Keith Wightman PS |
No |
Lakefield District PS |
Yes |
$12.28 |
$26.00 |
Millbrook South-Cavan PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$25.75 |
North Cavan PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
North Shore PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Norwood District PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$17.50 |
Otonabee Valley PS |
Yes |
Prince of Wales PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Queen Elizabeth PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Queen Mary PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
R.F Downey PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Roger Neilson PS |
Yes |
$12.40 |
$24.50 |
Warsaw PS | Yes | Compass Early Learning and Care | $12.40 | $24.50 | ||
Westmount PS | Yes | City of Peterborough | $13.09 | $25.45 | BGC Kawarthas | $15.00 |
All licensed centre-based and home-based agencies with a Fee Subsidy Agreement with the City of Peterborough participate in using the registry and waitlist. The City of Peterborough Centralized Child Care Registry and Waitlist Site will allow families to easily find quality child care and apply to multiple programs at one time.
Northumberland Region
Peterborough Region | Program on Site | Licensed Child Care Provider | Kindergarten Before and After School Rate | School Age Before and After School Rate | Recreation Provider | After School Rate |
Baltimore PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Beatrice Strong PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Brighton PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$23.50 |
Burnham PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
C.R Gummow PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Camborne PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Colborne PS |
Yes |
$14.18 | $30.00 | |||
Ganaraska Trail PS |
No |
Child care provided by Ganaraska Child Care located at Port Hope High |
$14.17 |
$30.00 |
Grafton PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Hastings PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Hillcrest PS |
Yes |
$12.00 |
$23.25 |
Kent PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Merwin Greer PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Murray Centennial PS |
Yes |
$12.52 |
$26.50 |
North Hope PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Northumberland Hills PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Percy Centennial PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Plainville PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Roseneath PS |
Yes |
$14.18 | $30.00 | |||
Smithfield PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Spring Valley PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Stockdale PS |
Yes |
$10-$16 |
$10-$16 |
Terry Fox PS |
Yes |
$14.18 |
$30.00 |
Clarington Region
Clarington Region | Program on Site | Licensed Child Care Provider | Kindergarten Before and After School Rate | School Age Before and After School Rate | Recreation Provider | After School Rate |
Central |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Charles Bowman PS |
Yes |
$12.99 |
$26.00 |
Courtice North PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Dr. Emily Stowe PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Dr. G.J MacGillivray PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Dr. Ross Tilley PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Duke of Cambridge PS |
Yes |
$12.05 |
$25.50 |
Enniskillen PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Hampton Jr. PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
Harold Longworth PS |
Yes |
$12.99 |
$26.00 |
John M. James PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
$6.00/day |
Lydia Trull PS |
Yes |
$23.00 |
M.J. Hobbs PS |
Yes | $16.25 | $26.00 | |||
Newcastle PS |
Yes | YMCA of GTA | $23.00 | |||
Northglen School (future site) | Yes | |||||
Orono PS | Yes | Compass Early Learning and Care | $12.99 | $26.00 | ||
S.T. Worden PS |
Yes |
$12.05 |
$25.50 |
The Pines Sr. PS |
Yes |
P:365-688-3300 |
Vincent Massey PS |
Yes |
$12.05 |
$25.50 |
Waverley PS |
Yes |
$12.05 |
$25.50 |