Throughout the upcoming school year, we will be sharing more information about how KPR staff are learning and working together on Professional Activity (PA) Days to support students’ success.
Please see below for information about PA Days this year.
August 29, 2024 Professional Activity Day
Topic 1: Workplace Violence Awareness
Length: ½ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB School Administrators & Staff (Special Education, Human Resources)
Schools will review incident reporting and notification of risk.
School teams will engage in professional learning that focuses on understanding behaviour and its risks.
Topic 2: Health and Safety
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB School Administrators
Schools will engage in professional learning that focuses on the following areas: Emergency Preparedness, Anti-Sex Trafficking, Positive School Climate Teams, Suicide Prevention Protocol, Staff Mental Health Supports, Child in Need of Protection – Duty to Report, Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions, and Concussion Management.
Please see below for information about 2023-24 school year Professional Activity Days.
June 28, 2024 Professional Activity Day
The June 28 PA Day (elementary and secondary) will focus on:
School Improvement Planning – Reflections, and
School Directed, Year-End Tasks.
June 7, 2024 Professional Activity Day
The June 7 Professional Activity Day is for assessment and evaluation (elementary schools only).
April 8, 2024 Professional Activity Day
The April 8 Professional Activity (PA) Day will focus on the following areas:
1. April 8 Topic 1: School Improvement Planning - Monitoring
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators
This session will provide school teams:
With an opportunity to review the key stages of school improvement planning, with a focus on monitoring.
School teams will update their school improvement plans to reflect educator observations.
2. April 8 Topic 2: Mental Health:
Trauma Informed Education - Belonging
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB Mental Health Staff
This session will explore the following:
How trauma informed education is connected to Mentally Healthy School Communities.
Exploration of the 5 pillars of trauma informed education.
Benefits of trauma informed education.
Frequently asked questions.
February 2, 2024 Professional Activity Day
The February 2 Professional Activity Day is for assessment and evaluation (elementary schools) and semester change activities (secondary schools).
November 24, 2023 Professional Activity Day
The November 24th Professional Activity (PA) Day for Secondary Schools Only focused on the following areas:
Topic 1: Identity Affirming Resource Selection
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators (with support from K-12 Teaching & Learning Department, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Department, and Indigenous Education Department)
Support educators with identify affirming resource selection.
Explore various tools/resources to support culturally relevant and responsive practices.
Topic 2a: Grade 10 Pathway Planning
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators
Review the KPR Grade 10 Pathway Planning resource.
Topic 2b: School Improvement Planning
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators
Review the plan, act, and observe stages of the school improvement plan.
Collaboratively identify supporting actions to help strengthen the school improvement process.
November 3, 2023 Professional Activity Day
The November 3rd Professional Activity (PA) Day will focus on the following areas:
November 3 Topic 1a (Elementary Schools, K-6 Staff): Early Literacy
Presenters/Facilitators:KPRDSB K-12 Teaching & Learning Department and KPRDSB School Administrators
Refine learning and build shared understanding of the Language (2023) curriculum, namely strand B, Foundations of Language.
Staff will focus on one of two pathways:
Phonics, Word Reading and Spelling
Using Morphology to Strengthen Reading Comprehension
November 3 Topic 1b (Elementary Schools, Gr. 7/8 Staff): Mental Health Literacy
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators (with support from School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO))
Educator orientation to the Mental Health Literacy Modules for Grades 7 and 8.
November 3 Topic 1c (Secondary Schools): Instruction, Assessment and Evaluation
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators (supported by the KPRDSB Teaching & Learning and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion departments).
Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) in secondary school classrooms with a focus on instruction, assessment and evaluation.
Navigating culturally relevant and responsive resource selection.
November 3 Topic 2: School Improvement Planning (all)
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators
Explore KPR resources that will support the school improvement process.
Collaboratively develop the plan, act, and observe stages of the school improvement plan.
September 29, 2023 Professional Activity Day
The September 29 Professional Activity (PA) Day focused on the following areas:
Student Safety and Well-Being (Anti-Sex Trafficking, Cyber Security and Privacy Awareness) – 30 minutes
Curriculum implementation – 90 minutes
Elementary – Literacy (Livestream)
Secondary – Literacy, Assessment and Evaluation
School Improvement Planning – 90 minutes
September 29 Topic 1: Student Safety and Well-Being
Length: 1/4 Day
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators (supported by Safe & Caring Schools and Information, Communication & Technology Departments)
Review the KPRDSB Anti-Sex Trafficking administrative regulation and applicable resources.
Explore cyber security and online privacy awareness through various KPRDSB and partner resources (e.g., KPRDSB Instructional Technology Plan, OPHEA Internet Safety Resources, Cyber Security Ontario).
September 29 Topic 2a (Elementary Schools): Literacy
Length: 1/2 Day
Presenters/Facilitators: : KPRDSB Teaching & Learning Department
Elementary schools will be engaging in learning about the new language curriculum through the lens of knowing our learners, considering the curriculum as continuum, and text selection. This learning will be done from a literacy perspective while intentionally considering culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy (CRRP) and Indigenous Education explicitly in this work.
September 29 Topic 2b (Secondary Schools): Curriculum Implementation
Length: 1/2 Day
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators (supported by the Teaching & Learning department).
With a focus on the new de-streamed Grade 9 English curriculum, this professional learning will help build literacy skills across all curricular areas/grades.
Secondary educators will collaborate in school teams to review KPRDSB’s Assessment and Evaluation Policy and Administrative Regulation to support student success across all subject areas.
September 29 Topic 3: School Improvement Planning
Length: 1/4 Day
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB Administrators
School staff will analyze various types of student data (e.g., perceptual, demographic, achievement) in support of their school improvement efforts.
Through this analysis, schools will collectively identify one are of focus (from the KPRDSB Board Action Plan) for their school improvement plans.
August 31, 2023 Professional Activity Day
Staff at elementary and secondary schools engaged in a full day of learning during the August 31 PA Day. Among the areas of learning for staff on this day were: School Improvement Planning, Workplace Violence Awareness, Curriculum Implementation and Mental Health.
Topic 1: School Improvement Planning
Length: 1/4 Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators
Schools will explore various types of data that will support school improvement planning.
School staff will review the KPRDSB Board Action Plan and applicable resources. Through this review, schools will begin the process of establishing school improvement goals
Topic 2: Workplace Violence Awareness
Length: 1/2 Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators & Staff (Safe and Caring Schools, Special Education, Human Resources)
Schools will review emergency response planning, incident reporting, and notification of risk.
School teams will engage in professional learning that focuses on understanding behaviour and its risks.
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB School Administrators
School staff will review new/revised curriculum: Gr. 9 English (De-Streamed) and Gr. 10 Computer Studies. In doing so, and with the Gr. 9 English curriculum, staff will explore literacy connections across the curriculum.
Through this review, staff will reexamine a culturally relevant and responsive approach to instruction and assessment with a focus on knowing our learners.
Topic 3b (Elementary Schools): Curriculum Implementation & Mental Health
Length: 1/4 Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters/Facilitators: KPRDSB Staff
School staff will review the revised Gr. 1-8 Language curriculum. In doing so staff will reflect on the structure, content and intent of the curriculum for the purpose of effective planning, assessment and instruction. Schools will also make explicit connections between the new curriculum and KPRDSB literacy resources.
Through this review, staff will reexamine a culturally relevant and responsive approach to instruction and assessment with a focus on knowing our learners.
School Mental Health Ontario resources such as the Reflection Tool for Educators will be shared to help support mentally healthy identity affirming classrooms.
School staff will explore mental health literacy. This learning will be supported through mental health literacy lessons and resources that have been developed by School Mental Health Ontario.
Schools will also develop mental health literacy implementation plans that will focus on the teaching of social and emotional skills and mental health literacy using culturally relevant and responsive approaches.
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