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B-3.4.1, Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

ES-3.1.1, Alternative, International and Continuing Education

BA-6.9.1, Alternative Projects and Accommodation Arrangements

ES-1.1.13, Anti Sex Trafficking

ES-3.9.1, Arts Program

ES-4.1.2, Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting 


B-5.1.1, Board Logo Use

BA-1.6.1, Board Member Honorarium

BA-8.5.1, Bus Accidents and Resulting Injuries Process

BA-8.2.1, Bus Operator Contracted Services General Provisions 


BA-1.3.1, Cafeteria Services

BA-1.4.6, Cell Phone Acceptable Use

ES-2.3.1, Child Care

ES-1.1.4, Child in Need of Protection

BA-7.1.6, Closed Classrooms

HR-5.3.3, Code of Conduct for Employees-Employee Progressive Discipline

HR-5.3.2, Code of Conduct for Employees Restrictions on Alcohol and Drug Use

HR-5.3.1, Code of Conduct for Employees Technology and Internet Use by Employees

HR-5.1.1, Code of Ethics for Employees

B-5.3.1, Communications With Staff

B-7.1.1, Communications with the Community

B-8.2.1, Community Use and Access to School Facilities

HR-2.1.1, Compensation for Employees Benefits

HR-2.1.3, Compensation for Employees-Employee Assistance Program

HR-2.1.6, Compensation for Employees-Hours of Work and Work Week

HR-2.1.5, Compensation for Employees-Recognized Holidays

HR-2.1.2, Compensation for Employees Sick Leave


ES-1.1.1, Discipline Promoting Positive Student Behaviour Code of Conduct

HR-4.6.1, Disconnecting from Work

BA-5.2.1, Disposal of Surplus or Obsolete Materials Furniture Equipment and Technology 


B-1.10, Electronic Monitoring

ES-4.1.1, Educational Research in Schools

ES-2.1.1, Emergency Preparedness

ES-3.17.1, English Language Development Program

BA-7.2.1, Environment and Energy 

B-3.2.6, Equity, Diveristy and Inclusion-Language

B-3.2.4, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Educational Program Evaluation Assessment & Placement

B-3.2.7, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Employment and Staff Development

B-3.2.5, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Guidance

B-3.2.2, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Leadership

B-3.2.1, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Policies, Guidelines and Practices

B-3.2.3, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-School Community Partnerships

BA-4.10.1, Expenses and Reimbursements for Employees

BA-4.9.1, Expenses and Reimbursements for Trustees

ES-3.4.1, Experiential Learning

ES-1.1.3, Expulsion 


B-8.3.1, Facility Partnerships

BA-4.5.1, Financial Reporting

ES-3.13.1, First Nation, Metis and Inuit Voluntary Self-Identification

HR-4.3.1, Flexible Working Arrangements 

HR-4.3.2, Flexible Working Arrangements-Working from Home Guidelines

ES-3.15.2, French Language Extended

ES-3.15.1, French Language Immersion

BA-4.8.1, Fundraising Guidelines


BA-4.2.1, Goods and Services Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax & School Authorities


HR-4.5.1, Health and Medical-Employees

ES-1.5.1, Health and Medical Needs

BA-7.1.3, Holding Areas and Holding Schools

BA-4.10.2, Hospitality Honorariums Employee Recognition Meeting Costs

B-3.3.1, Human Rights Code Based Discrimination and Harassment


BA-20.1, Inclement Weather

ES-3.16.1, Indigenous Language Program

BA-1.4.1, Information/Instructional Technology Plan


HR-6.1.1, Leave of Absence Employee Responsibilities During Inclement Weather

HR-6.1.7, Leave of Absence, Employee Self-Funded Leave Plan

HR-6.1.5, Leave of Absence, Leave With Pay

HR-6.1.3, Leave of Absence, Personal Leave of Absence Without Pay

HR-6.1.2, Leave of Absence Public Office and Political Conventions

HR-6.1.9, Leave of Absence, Statutory Leaves


B-5.2.1, Media Relations


BA-6.1.1, Naming Renaming of Schools and Board Facilities

ES-1.7.1, Nutrition


HR-4.1.1, Occupational Health and Safety

HR-4.1.2, Occupational Health & Safety-Supporting Positive Student Behaviour & Safety for All

BA-7.1.4, Overflow Schools


B-7.3.1, Parent Involvement Committee

B-8.1.1, Partnerships in Education

ES-1.6.1, Personal Electronic Devices PEDs

BA-4.3.1, Petty Cash Funds

B-1.1.1, Policy and Adminstrative Regulation Development & Management

ES-3.2.1, Political Activity in Schools

BA-7.1.5, Portable Classrooms

ES-3.12.1, Prior Learning, Assessment & Recognition PLAR Challenge

ES-3.12.2, Prior Learning, Assessment & Recognition PLAR Mature Students

BA-1.8.1, Privacy Breach Protocol

ES-1.1.8, Procedures in the Event of a Bomb Threat

BA-5.1.1, Procurement Procedures

ES-3.6.1, Program Safety General

ES-3.6.2, Program Safety Out-of-Classroom Programs

BA-1.2.1, Pupil Accommodation Review School Closure Consolidation


ES-4.2.1, Recognition of Student Success

HR-1.0.1, Recruitment, Hiring and Employment

BA-8.3.3, Route Operation Arrival Time at School

BA-8.3.2, Route Operation Consistent Pick-up Drop-off Location

BA-8.3.1, Route Operation Late Busing


ES-1.1.10, Safe Arrival Program

ES-1.1.11, Safe, Caring and Restorative Schools Dress Code

ES-1.1.7, Safe, Caring and Restorative Schools Home Education

BA-8.4.1, Safety & Conduct on School Buses Rules of Conduct on School Buses

BA-8.4.2, Safety & Conduct on School Buses School Bus Discipline

BA-8.4.3, Safety & Conduct on School Buses Video Cameras & Video Recording Devices

BA-7.1.1, School Attendance Areas

BA-4.5.2, School Budgets

BA-7.3.1, School Generated Funds

BA-6.2.1, School Openings New or Expanded Schools

ES-2.2.1, School Organization

BA-6.3.1, School Playground Equipment

BA-1.4.3, School Technology Standards

BA-1.8.2, Securing Mobile Devices

BA-6.4.1, Security

BA-6.4.2, Security Reg Board Vehicles

ES-3.3.1, Selection, Approval and Reconsideration of Learning Resources

ES-3.8.4, Service Animals in Schools

ES-1.1.12, Sexual Misconduct by Students

B-1.4.2, Signing Authority Investments and Mandatory and Statutory Remittances

B-7.5.1, Social Media and Digital Communications

ES-3.8.3, Special Education-Collaboration Agreements with External Agencies for Provision of Services

ES-3.8.1, Special Education-Education and Community Partnership Programs ECPP

ES-3.8.2, Special Education-Protocol Collaboration Agreements Non-Regulated External Agencies Third-Party In-class Support

BA-1.4.6, Staff Cell Acceptable Phone Use

HR-1.0.2, Staffing

ES-3.14.1, Student Activity Fees

BA-8.1.1, Student Eligibility Special Transportation Arrangements

BA-8.1.2, Student Eligibility Transportation To & From Child Care Facilities

ES-5.1.4, Student Registration Admission Guardianship

ES-5.1.1, Student Registration Admission Non-resident Students

ES-5.1.2, Student Registration Admission Resident Students

ES-5.1.3, Student Registration Admission Student Tuition Fees

BA-8.6.3, Student Safety Adult Crossing Guards

BA-8.6.5, Student Safety School Bus Evacuation Program

BA-8.6.1, Student Safety School Safety Patrols 

BA-8.6.2, Student Safety School Bus Safety Patrols

BA-8.6.4, Student Safety Special Apparatus for Transporting Students

BA-8.6.6, Student Safety Vehicle Loading & Unloading Practice

BA-7.1.2, Student Transfers

ES-1.1.9, Substance Use

ES-3.1.2, Supervised Alternative Learning

BA-6.5.1, Surplus Board Real Estate Disposal

BA-6.5.2, Surplus Board Real Estate Rental

ES-1.1.2, Suspension 


BA-1.4.3, Technology Standards

BA-1.4.2, Telecommunications Services

BA-8.1.3, Transportation Concern Review and Appeal Procedures

BA-6.6.2, Trespass Unlawful Use of Board Property Anti-trespass

BA-6.6.1, Trespass Unlawful Use of Board Property Unlawful Use 


HR-3.1.1, Vacation Entitlement and Scheduling

BA-6.7.1, Vandalism Acts Against Board Property

B-1.7.1, Video Surveillance

B-7.2.1, Volunteers


BA-7.2.2, Weed Control

HR-4.2.1, Workplace Harassment

Contact Us

Policies and Regulations
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1994 Fisher Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6
Phone:  705-742-9773 x2353
Toll-Free:  1-877-741-4577
Send email to Policies and Regulations

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