Angela Lloyd

Angela Lloyd
Vice-Chairperson of the Board
Angela Lloyd is the Vice-Chairperson of the Board and representative for the Township of Asphodel-Norwood, Township of Cavan Monaghan, Township of Douro-Dummer, and Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan.
Angela Lloyd believes that the primary mission of KPR remains the continued success, well-being and achievement of all students.
About Angela Lloyd
Angela has represented her community as Trustee since her first election in 1993, serving as both Chairperson and Vice-chairperson in the past.
Angela has acted as Chairperson of most committees of the Board and is an active and dedicated advocate for the educational needs of Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board students.
Student achievement, well-being and success – in Learning, Life and Community, is at the heart of KPR’s Strategic Plan, which was developed by the Board of Trustees and administration after consultation with KPR's school communities.
Angela believes strongly in these goals for all students, and in particular for students with special education needs. She believes in safe and inclusive schools where everyone feels a sense of belonging, and where students see themselves, their families and their backgrounds reflected in the learning. Angela is a strong advocate for student-centred decisions at the Board table.
She also wants to recognize and celebrate the work of the thousands of employees and community members who collectively make a difference in the lives of the Board's students.
Besides her work on behalf of the students of the Board, Angela is very active in KPR communities, has two children who have graduated from KPR schools and two grandchildren now a part of KPR.
Contact Us
Angela Lloyd
Vice-Chairperson of the Board and Trustee
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1994 Fisher Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6
Phone: 705-939-6967
Send email to the Vice-Chairperson of the Board