Topic 1: Mental Health in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Equity, Diversity & Inclusion/Mental Health Department and KPRDSB School Administrators
School staff will explore social emotional learning.
Topic 2a: Math (Numeracy) in Elementary Schools
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Teaching & Learning Department & KPRDSB School Administrators
School teams will further their learning in the areas of social emotional learning, composing/decomposing numbers, and assessment for learning.
Topic 2b: Secondary School Assessment and Evaluation
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Teaching & Learning Department and KPRDSB School Administrators
School staff will further their learning in the areas of culturally relevant and responsive assessment and evaluation, review KPR exam/culminating task guidelines, and further explore social emotional learning.
Topic 3: Secondary Code of Conduct
Length: ½ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB School Administrators
School teams will engage in school improvement planning.