Promoting Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits
Establishing positive eating habits supports your child’s growth and development at home and school. Offering a variety of nutritious foods gives your child the nutrients and energy they need to learn, grow and play.

Meal and Snack Tips:
- Be a positive role model. Prepare and eat a variety of foods with your child.
- Enjoy meals and snacks together.
- Power-off devices at mealtime and use the time to connect as a family.
- Offer vegetables and fruit at every meal and snack.
- Involve your child in meal and snack preparations.
- Make time for healthy eating so no one is feeling rushed.
Check out Canada’s Food Guide for ideas:
Try It Out!
Enjoy community meals where:
- Food is put into larger bowls or serving dishes on the table.
- Everyone serves themselves based on 1) hunger cues, and 2) food preferences
This style of meal allows everyone to be involved, see everything that has been prepared, and select what and how much they want.
Have a nutrition question?
Contact a registered dietitian for free at Health 811. Dial 811 or visit: to start an online chat.
Packing Snacks and Meals for School
Helpful Tips:
- Label your child’s lunch bag, containers, and reusable water bottle.
- Make snacks and lunches together with your child.
- Use ice packs and insulated lunch bags to keep refrigerated foods cold.
- Wash all vegetables and fruit thoroughly with clean water prior to eating.
- Many schools offer free nutrition programs that help children perform their best. Find out if your school has a program and how you can get involved.
Go on a Picnic!

- Picnics at home or in a local park can be a great way for children to practice using their lunch bag and containers independently. It also supports their independence while reinforcing the development of fine motor skills.
Looking for snack and lunch Ideas?
Check out School Lunch Your Kids Will Munch and the Packing School Lunches video from Peterborough Public Health.
Contact Us
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
1994 Fisher Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6
Phone: 705-742-9773
Toll Free: 1-877-741-4577
Fax: 705-742-7801
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