Topic 1a: Elementary Literacy
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Teaching & Learning Department and KPRDSB School Administrators
School staff will explore strand integration with the Language (2023) curriculum and using ongoing Assessment for Learning to inform instruction.
Topic 1b: Secondary Literacy
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Teaching & Learning Department & KPRDS School Administrators
This literacy learning emphasizes the importance of literacy across all subject areas in secondary education. Educators will gain strategies to explicitly teach reading skills and incorporate literacy techniques into all subjects.
Topic 2a: Elementary Math
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Teaching & Learning Department and KPRDSB School Administrators
School teams will learn about building effective conditions in the math classrooms to support social emotional learning and using ongoing Assessment for Learning to inform instruction.
Topic 2b: Secondary Code of Conduct
Length: ¼ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB Safe & Caring Schools Department and KPRDSB School Administrators
School staff will be reviewing the implementation of the revised Code of Conduct with a specific focus on the new cell phone guidelines and electronic cigarette awareness. Staff will collaborate in learning related to social media and cell phones, and will engage with resources addressing the dangers of vaping and vaping cessation. Feedback on the implementation process will also be collected from schools.
Topic 3: School Improvement Planning
Length: ½ Day
Host: Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
Presenters: KPRDSB School Administrators
School teams will engage in improvement planning, with a focus on Board Action Plan system action SA-EL1: provide evidence-based instruction in literacy and math, informed by ongoing assessment, to tailor differentiated and intensive supports for student success.